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(More customer reviews)Dynamic Supply Chains: Delivering value through people (2nd Edition) (Financial Times Series)
This is a great book that is non-traditional in supply chain management books. This book allows me to teach EMBA students to learn supply chain management from a strategic and people perspectives in supply chain planning and analysis course in our school. Before I used this text two years ago, I normally teach more technical supply chain planning contents focusing more on process and technology. Of course, process and technology are important for supply chain management but most of the students can not take those knowledge and apply them directly in their works due to their non-technical backgrounds from marketing, logistics, operations and finance.
The conceptual framework of this book include four parts: customers(marketplace), supply chain strategies(lean, agile, continuous replenishment, and fully flexible), internal cultures(execution organization in the firm or non-profit institute), and leadership (those people who shape the culture in the firm). Dr. Jattorna, throughout his long term consulting field works and academic research, has developed survey instruments based on behavioral science that can assess or segment each part into three to four or five behavioral types and examine if these parts are aligned or not. If there is mis-alignment between any two adjacent parts, it represents opportunities for alignments and reformulating supply chain strategies into more effective ones.
In my class, students are managers and specialists staff from well-known international firms and also local businesses. They are divided into several groups and select a firm among group members to conduct a term project applying survey tools in the book for the assessment of supply chain alignment of the selected firm. Most projects provide insightful information useful to detect mis-alignment (or alignment) between supply chain strategy and customer segments.
I am glad that in the second edition Dr. Jattorna included a chapter on supply-side alignment framework. This has expanded the application range for those students with procurement role in the business. I guess I am lucky to find the book and use it in my class to cultivate our students to become a living (rather than machine) supply chain managers.
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John Gattorna is one of the most original thinkers in the fast-changing arena of supply chain management. He has pioneered the idea of dynamic alignmentwhich is so powerfully presented in this ground-breaking book. Martin Christopher, Professor of Marketing & Logistics, Cranfield School of ManagementSupply chains are at the heart of competitive advantage in business today. If supply chains are managed successfully, companies will be able to deliver their products and services to customers in a smart, cost-effective way. The key to successful supply chain management is recognising that it's people who really drive the living supply chains that are at the heart of businesses. Supply chains are powered by the energy and expertise of employees and suppliers and by the changing wants and needs of customers. John Gattorna calls this principle of matching changing customer needs and desires with different supply chain strategiesdynamic alignment. To secure space in a new market, to grow or keep existing markets companies have to get their products out there faster. They need to be the first with new products and services and the first to match them with particular customer groups.The dynamic alignment model gives a structured way of linking customer expectations to the operational side of business while maintaining the flexibility to systematically modify fulfilment processes as customers inevitably change their buying preferences.
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