Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)The truth is that many of the quick fix techiniques and tips that are given to the many unorganized people as I used to be don't work well for long. I was on a quest to find out how to become organized my self and be part of the select few who seem to be born that way. By following what this books says I have been able to do it. See, many of the things that are believed to help aren't very effective, such as writing down things to do on an agenda that has times written down--doesn't work because its easy to be interrupted and not finish something on the alotted time etc. etc, but these are the foundations of personal organization. I have observed that these also happen to be the things that real organized people actually do. Now they might seem simple, but these book truly brings all the aspects of personal organization together--the three pillars as i like to call them, which with one missing, the other two fall in despair and chaos once again. Master List, Master filing system, and a clean work area--sound simple, it is, but trust me, read the book. Easy read, and well worth your time if you're disorganized--true testimonial form me, I can't stress it enough. My word.
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A renowned time-management consultant offers his program tothe general public in a comprehensive manual that details the principles of organization and improving productivity.
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