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(More customer reviews)Have you ever wondered what employees think about their companies when they really want to work there vs. when they really do not want to work there? If you could unzip the minds of thousands of employees and understand how they see their companies, think what you could learn about your own organization.
"Re-Engage" gives you a front row seat to millions of interviews by employees of 10,000 companies as they completed the "Best Place to Work" survey. Leigh and Mark have analyzed the entire range of survey responses and have found key insights that differentiate the best places to work from all the rest. Put these insights to work in your organization.
Here are a few of key drivers of employee engagement highlighted in the book:
- Trust level in senior leadership
- Coaching and feedback provided by managers
- Being recognized and valued for one's contributions
- Having opportunities to learn and grow on the job
"Re-engage" presents a model of six universal drivers of employee engagement that come directly from the survey data. But more importantly, each driver is illustrated by many verbatim quotes and comments as well as the highest scoring company for each driver - who the company is, what they do and how they have optimized employee engagement.
There are many leading practices, approaches and methods described throughout that offer tremendous potential if they were to be leveraged in your company. If you want to reduce the number of habitual underperformers, chronic complainers or professional victims, and increase the percentage of high performers, you will want to take advantage of Leigh's and Mark's recommendations.
I think one of the most critical chapters is the one on building effective teams. Since so much of our work today is done by multi-function or multi-geographic teams, companies can no longer afford to have teams who do not execute well. Customer satisfaction, productivity and quality depend on what these teams deliver. This chapter describes how to set up the conditions for effective teamwork and can provide a road map for you to use in your own organization.
Companies all over the world are faced with unprecedented levels of change in today's business environment. The demand for leaders at all levels who can guide engaged teams to meet their marketplace challenges far outstrips the supply. "Re-Engage" provides new insights and real world guidelines that can help you meet your organization's challenges today.
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