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(More customer reviews)Larry Williams is a prolific author, trader, educator, and money manager. With over a quarter century of experience, Williams has provided investors with practical and easy-to-implement market timing and stock selection strategies in this just published book.
Williams initially focuses on the recurrent seasonal patterns in the market. Williams reveals one interesting strategy where he notes that excellent times to go long the market are years ending in twos (e.g., 1952, 1962 ...... 1992) and threes. Just look at charts in those years or view them in this book to see those excellent buying points.
Williams also covers the best years of each decade to invest - fifth, eighth and ninth years. The consistency of these three years performance is 80%(positive returns in 8 out of 10 of those decade years). Next he covers the four-year cycle from 1858 to the present time (last 4-yr cycle years were 1994, 1998, 2002) showing that they were good times to buy at their yearly lows, many times occurring in the September/October timeframe.
Another strategy Williams covers in buying in October and selling in April. This strategy was offered by Stock Trader's Almanac in 1986 developed by Yale Hirsch, and it still works today. This strategy has produced significant returns while reducing risk as investors are out of the market for half the year.
Williams provides a look at indicators to determine that a market bottom is in place. He covers such items as the Fed's Stock Evaluation Model, margin credit, odd-lot short sales, Investors Intelligence Bull/Bear Index, US Bonds, and gold prices.
Williams covers in detail the fallacy of long-term investing and the devastation that it can wreak on investors portfolios. Investors who are die-hard "buy-and-holders" should read this chapter to learn that to use that strategy is dangerous.
To do well in the market, Williams urges investors to find stocks that have the capability to outperform the market, and then find the best time to buy them. He totally disagrees with the Wall Street cognoscenti that market-timing is useless.
He spends a chapter on buying stocks at a discount, and one on measuring investor sentiment on individual stocks. He lists seven traditional measures of value (e.g., P/E ratio, Price/Book) and elucidates on which ones work best.
All-in-all this well-written, easy to understand book provides investors with a systematic, time-tested approach to investing. Williams has again provided investors with another classic.
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"It is a fundamentally good time to consider the strategies in this book. Macro-market timing, stock-specific approaches, money management revelations, and intermarket analysis. Even better that it is written by someone who has actually done it himself."—Lindsay Glass Global Market Timing Specialist, Bloomberg LP
"This book delivers a knock-out punch to investor pessimism, with an uppercut of bullishness and hard facts."—Ray Mercer Former World Heavyweight Champion
"The stock market is a major stream of income and Williams clearly shows the best time and stocks to buy."—Robert Allen, New York Times bestselling financial author and millionaire maker
"No other book on the horizon comes close to this one. Larry lets you stand on his shoulders and view the market from the vantage of a master."—Yale Hirsch Chairman, The Hirsch Organization Inc.
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