Barking Up a Dead Horse: Avoiding the Wasted Time and Effort in Business-to-Business Sales Review

Barking Up a Dead Horse: Avoiding the Wasted Time and Effort in Business-to-Business Sales
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I have been in sales for over 25 years. I wish I had just 10 cents for every time I took a senior manager with me only to have him or her explain what we do with words everyone else in the industry is using. There are a lot of sales training books that tell you how to handle sales cycles. But there are much fewer that teach you how to communicate with that human being on the other side of the desk trying to figure out what makes you different, better, worth a higher cost. If you cannot answer the question "what is your company's unique value" in the time it takes an elevator to go between three or four floors, you are not selling at your best. And if you cannot state what is the next step in every forecasted-to-close opportunity you may be barking up a dead horse. This may sound like sales 101 and it probably should be. But be honest, when you or your sales manager enter a sales meeting do your words distinguish you from competitors of burn into "verbal brochures"? I recommend this book whether you are new to sales or a sales manager. There are tips in it you can use immediately. One of my favorites is the "good bye email". I used that one to move several "dead horses" off my forecast and onto my closed list. If you or a staff member has ever "rolled over to the next quarter" an opportunity you just might have a dead horse stuck in your pipeline. The book is worth many times its cost and should be read by anyone in a sales role or someone who employs sales staff.

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