Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota's System is Four Times More Productive and How You Can Implement It Review

Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota's System is Four Times More Productive and How You Can Implement It
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Michael Kennedy's book, Product Development for the Lean Enterprise, gives an experienced insight into the dilemma faced by some of North America's largest organizations, those who have embraced management science in all of its complexity to win national awards, only to find they are unable to compete successfully at the customer level. Using an engaging fictional narrative, Kennedy provides a fresh insight into product development; this book will challenge your beliefs and understanding and likely intrigue you sufficiently to investigate how aspects of the process can be made applicable in your enterprise. It is a treasure trove of information on, not just its principal topic, Toyota's unique product development process, but details on establishing and operating "a process renewal team" and "large group interventions for organizational change".
In Michael Kennedy's very readable book, one is introduced to Toyota's design concepts, unconventional to the majority of us in corporate North America. Imagine your product development process stipulating:
*explore not one, but multiple design solutions at the same time;
*delay the design's narrowing process to as late as possible in the process;
*demand the building and testing of multiple design models and prototypes for performance conformity;
*have the development, retention and reuse of engineering knowledge and skills a top priority for the company;
*eliminate the use of complex integrated task based program and plans by delegating each program designer to prepare his/her own time-lines to meet fixed review dates and performance levels; and
*have functional engineering managers focus on teaching and mentoring engineering talent, not administration.
In addition to product development, Kennedy's book gives the reader an overview of change management issues from strategy, to personal and political conflict, to presentation and implementation tactics. The book stimulates thought; it proposes possibilities; it gives a glimpse into the future of an enlightened company's product development process. It is beyond a wake-up-call; it is mental nourishment to everyone whose enterprise relies on engineered products.

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